Freelance Work
Side hustles make the world go round. Below are a few examples of the work I’ve done between gigs and after my 9-5.
Haus Urban
Haus Urban Apothecary is dedicated to the development and empowerment of performing artists through self care, education, and advocacy.
AMC's The Terror
AMC shows like The Terror have very vocal and dedicated fanbases. To continue the conversation during and after airing, we developed an organic posting strategy that pulled on the standout moment from the episode.
Office Depot
For back-to-school we used a paid and organic strategy across all social channels to show the wide variety of products Office Depot offers. 
EBY is a luxury, seamless panty subscription box founded by Sophia Vergara & Renata Black. 10% of EBY’s new sales empower women through microfinance: small loans to start their own business.
Vector Portraits
On the side, and mostly for myself, I love to work on vector portraits. Especially those I could contribute the Sktchy App.
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